OptiCall Experts Reveal Their Tips for Handling Inbound Leads

It\’s no secret that when it comes to managing inbound phone calls and website leads, our experts are the best of the best. With over 2 million phone calls to date, they’ve certainly seen it all. That\’s why we figured there\’s really no better way to understand how to manage inbound patient leads than to hear from them directly.

We interviewed Angela, OptiCall’s Practice Liaison & Senior Patient Care Specialist. In this “off the cuff” interview, we ask her for candid insights and tips on how she delivers exceptional customer service to maximize the patient experience.

How do you handle a call where the patient just wants to know about price?

“If someone is calling and just wants the price, those callers are typically Comparison Shoppers. The majority of Comparison Shoppers always look at price first. They are researching, comparing, and tend to want to get their questions answered quickly and move on to calling the next practice.

In those cases, I try to get at least a few key pieces of information: first name, phone number, and how they heard about us. Then answer their questions quickly and efficiently. It’s our goal to capture all leads for tracking purposes. Even if a caller doesn’t book right away, the client will know what marketing methods are promoting a response.”

Click below to hear how she handles a discussion around price:

What is your response when a caller mentions a very low price they\’ve heard about?

“Simply looking at price is not an “apples to apples” approach. When a caller mentions a very low price, I typically will indicate some of the reasons why there may be a variation in cost. For example, there may be a significant difference in technology. A practice that has a low price probably does not use the latest technology and it’s important to know that when you are doing your research.”

Click below for an example:

What is the most important part of a successful phone call?

“The most important part of a call is listening. Patients need to feel like they are being heard and that they are the focus. Office staff is frequently overwhelmed with so many other tasks that they are not able to give the attention the patient needs or answer all the questions the patient may have. Having dedicated staff to manage the phones is critical to a practice.”

Click below to hear more:

How does OptiCall customize every call to maximize the patient experience?

“Every practice has a different personality and we try to tailor everything to not just meet the needs of the callers, but also meet the needs of our practices. We ask a lot of questions upfront to engage the caller, which helps build rapport. Then we ask questions to pre-qualify them to determine if they are a potential candidate for a procedure.

We also provide detailed information on the practice, office location, physician experience, and importantly, what they can expect when they come in for a consultation. Asking questions and providing detailed information based on the patient needs helps them feel comfortable about taking the next step in booking a procedure. In the end, the goal is to get potential patients in the door so the practice can determine what procedure is best for them.”

Click below to hear more:

What is the benefit of having OptiCall?

“After answering over one million calls for well over a decade, OptiCall has the experience and has developed the right systems to effectively and efficiently help the patient feel good about their choice in coming to the practice. We invest our effort in building a rapport with each caller to help create a personal connection. In the end, this is what is going to make the difference and inspire the lead to come in and see the doctor and their practice.

Especially in the case of a new practice, OptiCall’s experience with answering all the patient questions can be hugely beneficial. We are available during some of the peak hours, like evenings and weekends, to answer the phones, take the time to address all the questions, and provide specific information on the practice.

This makes the patient feel comfortable moving forward with the procedure. It also helps alleviate some of the stress on the office staff, allowing them to be able to focus more on maximizing the patient experience within the office. Most importantly, it helps significantly reduce the potential for lost leads.\”

Click below to hear more: 

Angela is a huge asset to the OptiCall team in delivering exceptional patient experiences and interactions. To learn more about how our call center of patient counselors can help grow your practice, contact us.