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OptiCall has talked a lot about the importance of consistency. It’s one of the most important aspects of maximizing the client experience.

But given recent events, what does it really mean to be consistently consistent? Is it even possible in the face of constant change and uncertainty? The answer is yes.

Here’s why.


The core values of your practice haven\’t changed

Successful practices are not that way by happenstance. They let their core values drive their culture, decisions, and processes. They implement most, if not all, of these key values:

1.) They put patients first. Their whole practice is centered around the patient. They deeply understand patient thought processes about receiving a medical procedure. They know how to build trust by empathizing with patient fears, frustrations and pain points and are able to anticipate their needs.

2.) They stay connected by providing relevant content through email, social media, and other digital marketing channels.

3.) They make it easy on patients to learn about their practice, ask questions, schedule appointments, and even have a consultation in a way that\’s convenient for them – whether that\’s in person, or via phone or video conference.

4.) They\’re there when patients need them. They have extended customer service hours, won\’t let calls go to voicemail, and don\’t put patients on hold. They respond promptly to every single web lead promptly.

5.) They ensure these values are shared with their employees. They develop standards and processes designed around these core beliefs. Employees are trained regularly, provided tools and scripting, and incentivized for delivering a great patient experience.

So, if you\’re consistent with your values, how do you keep up with change?


Change How You Handle Change

Agility really is the new superpower, but anticipating change is equally important. It used to mean responding quickly to changing trends, but now it means quick adjustment to a potential crisis, like what we\’re experiencing right now.

Now more than ever, it\’s important to have action plans for things such as business continuity, client communication, quick cost reduction, employee training, and outsourcing (if needed) to manage fluctuations in business.

But you simply can\’t have an action plan for everything, so you need to also continuously make improvements:


Consistency is the building block of trust. From the first phone call, to the first impression when a prospect walks through the door, to their procedure and beyond, consistency is the secret sauce. It\’s what makes your practice both comfortable and memorable.

And now you\’re able to have even more control on how you consistently deliver an exceptional client experience. OptiCall just released our OptiTRAK phone scripting and tracking software to help you standardize communications, provide accountability, and improve conversions. The best part – it can be accessed from anywhere, to empower the new normal we are all facing with remote operations management. Learn more about our new OptiTrak by watching the demo below.

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Ready to see it for yourself?

Contact us to learn what OptiTrak can do to keep your practice consistent.

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